Climax doll

Climax Doll is a newcomer straight outta sex doll district. They have legitimately unique designs and hold a respectable lead without resorting to making “copies” as so many other small factories have been guilty of. We like Climax for their effort to fill a gap in the marketplace for European/Western looking designs in the TPE sex doll space. They are also the proud makers of the tallest sex doll which also happens to have one of the most modestly petite A-cup breasts around.



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Grace sex doll

I wanted a light doll with big tittiez. Joy recommended me...

Zula sex doll

very fast shipping,incredible details,beautiful face.. i...

Elisa in fur clothing

I'm a transgender lesbian woman that just wanted to have...

Liu a chinese girl

I couldn't believe that I can have this lovely doll for...


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Aldercy- WM 166cm C-Cup Scottish Croft Sex Doll

Aldercy- WM 166cm C-Cup Scottish Croft Sex Doll

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Irontech Lora TPE Sex doll

Irontech Lora TPE Sex doll

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WM doll Hodges sex doll

WM doll Hodges sex doll

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Brylin:French sex doll in office

Brylin:French sex doll in office

Sale $1,950.00
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